Special Issue: Vision and Viewing in Ancient Greece

Vision and Viewing in Ancient Greece

Vision and Viewing in Ancient Greece (edited with Douglas Cairns and Nancy Rabinowitz) Special issue of Helios, 2013.

The Sacred and the Feminine in Ancient Greece

The Sacred and the Feminine in Ancient Greece (edited, with Margaret Williamson) Routledge, 1998
Women in Classical Athens

Women in Classical Athens

Women in Classical Athens Duckworth and the Bristol Classical Press, 1998.

Women in Ancient Greece

Women in Ancient Greece, The British Museum Press and Harvard University Press, 1995.

The Origins of Civilization in Greek and Roman Thought

The Origins of Civilization in Greek and Roman Thought, 2014, republished as part of the Routledge Revivals series. Originally published in 1986, Croom Helm.

Book Chapters & Journal Articles


Stepping over the line: shoes and boundary-crossing in ancient Greece, in Alicia J.Batten and Kelly Olson, eds., Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity. Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians,  Bloomsbury 2021


One shoe off and one shoe on: the motif of monosandalism in ancient Greece, in Sadie Pickup and Sally Waite, eds., Shoes, Slippers and Sandals. Feet and Footwear in Classical Antiquity, Routledge, 2018


Parthenon Frieze to Star in the London Olympics, in CA News June 2012

Greek Art and the Grand Tour

Greek Art and the Grand Tour, in T.J. Smith and D. Plantzos, eds.,             A Companion to Greek Art  Wiley-Blackwell,  2012

Visions of childhood: girls, boys and adults in Attic vase-painting

Visions of Childhood: Girls, Boys and Adults in Attic Vase-painting, in H.Whittaker, ed., In Memoriam. Commemoration, communal memory, and gender values in the ancient Graeco-Roman world, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011

Gender and the Classics Curriculum

Gender and the Classics Curriculum  The Higher Education Academy: Subject Centre for History, Classics and Archaeology, 2008

A survey into the teaching of gender within classics degrees.

Women's bonds, women's pots: adornment scenes in Attic vase-painting

Women’s bonds, women’s pots: adornment scenes in Attic vase-painting

(with Nancy Rabinowitz),  Phoenix 62, 2008.

Beneath their shining feet: shoes and sandals in Classical Greece

Beneath their Shining Feet: Shoes and Sandals in Classical Greece, in G. Riello & P. McNeil, eds.,   Shoes. A history from sandals to sneakers Berg, 2006 and 2011.

Gendered Viewing in Classical Greece

Gendered Viewing in Classical Greece, papers from the conference Seeing the past: building knowledge of the past and present through acts of seeing held at Stanford University in February 2005 (with Nancy Rabinowitz).

Clutching at Clothes

Clutching at Clothes                            in L. Llewellyn-Jones, ed., Women’s dress in the ancient Greek world  Duckworth and the Classical Press of Wales, 2002.


I got this book for some research for a paper I am writing on how Women are represented in classical Greek literature and how it is similar to or different from how they were in actual Greek life. This book was the perfect pick for this assignment. The writing flows nicely allowing for quick reading and the information was golden. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in women in history.

Women in Ancient Greece

This very readable book gives as good a look as possible at the position of women in Archaic and Classical Athens. As women’s writings from this time haven’t survived, the author looks at legal documents, literature and sculpture as ways of understanding women’s lives. At the same time, she is careful to note that her sources, with the single exception of Sappho, are male and biased. The concluding pages on the Hellenistic era make one wish she hadn’t decided to stop her story with the rise of Macedonia.
Tony Gualteri

Women in Ancient Greece

Women in Classical Athens is a concise summary of the information known about women and their status in Athens in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. It also can be read as a good introduction to the lives of women in Classical Athens.

The accurate and precise fashion in which Sue Blundell presents her outline answers in the affirmative to another question included in the first appendix, “Do we really need ‘Women in …’ books?”
Read the whole review

Edmund Cueva, Xavier University

Women in Classical Athens